Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Cody Williams // New Camera

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There are two ways to approach writing about the Young Willy // 60 Seconds video.  We could focus on the fact that it's Cody Williams on a 125 doing what most of us can only do in video games, or the fact that this was the first video shot on the new camera.  But does it need to be pointed out that he's got style for miles and we all secretly wish we looked even just a little bit like him when we rode?  Negative, that's too obvious.  He's even got fans requesting photos with him.
This was the first day playing with the new toy.  The new camera can shoot crystal clear (it may not look it in this video because it was day one with the camera in hand and the buttons all seemed like gibberish) and super slow.  You like slow motion?  REALLY SLOW slow motion is even better.  So to those of you who like this video, your in luck because there is plenty more to come.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

14 Months Later

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It's been 14 months since anything has been posted.  As I'd begun doing more and more for Vurb I didn't really see much point in writing/ posting as "Moto Limelight".   But I actually sort of liked posting the videos and typing a little bit about them so I guess I'll do it again.

Monday, February 4, 2013

The Winter Special

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I think plenty of us could agree that school isn't too exciting.  Come vacation time, it's time for a vacation.  With a month to kill, a drive California with Eli Moore seemed like a good idea, which quickly became the plan.  The details weren't important; a date to get there seemed irrelevant (sooner the better was good enough), booking a flight home didn't cross my mind, and a place to stay also seemed like a minor detail.  But after the trip had begun, we received word from Wes Williams;
This was the first indication that this trip was going to kick ass.  It did mean that we would be on air mattresses the next few weeks, but it also meant we were about to have one hell of a time; and that we did.

There is a ton of opportunity for shooting out there.  Everybody and their brother rides dirt bikes in Southern Cali.  If you sit at the local In-And-Out and look at the entrance,  it's like your watching opening ceremonies before a Supercross race.  The pro rider ratio out there is no different than the hick ratio we've got up here in the sticks of Maine.  This opens the doors to plenty of shooting potential.  The above photo was taken on New Years.  The following photo is from New Years morning, only hours later and no sleep in between:
Spur of the moment shoots were too easy with so much so close.  Ryan Walters told us in the middle of the night that he was headed out to shoot with Twitch and Hanny in the morning.  Sign me up, obviously we were down to tag along.  It was a mellow day hitting just the one booter they had set up, but there will definitely be some good video to come out of Walter's edit once the heli footage gets worked in with the rest.
One other shooting related highlight to the trip was hitting up the hills in Beaumont.  After too many years of drooling over the place in every photo or video, the visit grew long over due.  With a good crew that would for sure throw some whips, it was sweet to roll off of the interstate to a little beat down path to what I belive most mx fans would consider Moto Heaven.
Before having to leave due to the hell-like confines of school, time was made for some good times, some supercross events, and some shooting.  With a variety of footage and the itch for an old school feel, we've got ourselves the Vurb Original: Winter Special

Thursday, September 27, 2012

125 Expert/Youth Expert: Moto 1

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More race footage from Sunday's NESC race;  The expert class is always a good one to watch, as this day had riders Jon Borello, Josh Clark, Josh Osby, and Levi Persson looking like the guys to beat heading into this first moto.  But with the 20 minute +2 lap race format, anything can happen.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

125 Amateur: Moto 1

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NESC was at the track Sunday and once again, there was good racing.  The forecast got better and better as the week went on and come Sunday we had nothing but warm weather and blue skies.  The track had the right amount of water in the ground from some Friday rain fall and the conditions seemed nearly perfect.  The lines looked mint and everyone seemed to be going good.  And though the sport may be getting faster in general, the 'B' class is looking especially fast.  With plenty of potential front runners, there was no doubt the top pack wouldn't be going at it.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

VURB Select ft Bagget / Bogle / Roczen / Stewy

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Last year, Unadilla was especially good for filming.  Wilson, Decotis, and everyone else was getting wild on the SkyShot.  That wasn't so much the case this year, a few of the riders were saying the lip just wasn't sending them right.  But there was plenty going on to make up for the lack of whips.  Roczen finally didn't get robbed on the last lap, Stewy continued to eat shit, and there was some really drunk dude I'd spotted in the crowd who'd spent most his time trying to get high fives.  None the less, everyone of these dudes on the track absolutely rip, so with or with out the whips it's still worth a watch:

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Loretta's: Thursday

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This was another joint edit with Brandon Bolling.  I like his style of editing and am always confident when we sit down to get started on something.  His jib work always seems on point, and looks especially cool mixed in with these slider shots.  This 1901 song didn't seem like it could stand on it's own, but after Ashton Hammill (a third hand on the camera work) introduced a remix, we spiced the two up with one another and put it to some sick riding.  Check out AC, Clout, and Bisceglia do work at the Ranch.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Loretta's: Monday

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I'm a week late to write about it, but even though Monday was forever ago, here is the Monday edit Brandon Bolling and I did down at Loretta Lynn's last week.  Monday is an odd day down there, it's the last day before these kids' most important racing of the year.  While they've all got a ton on their shoulders, its still a good day for just hanging out before it all gets going.  Monday Funday: